GoodBIZ! Program
Our Program Will Put You on The Path to a Successful Business
Over a 12-to 15-week period, you’ll learn skills and knowledge needed for self-employment. You’ll cover topics such as marketing, intellectual property, financial literacy and management and also develop a comprehensive business plan. Participants come from a variety of industries. Some of the most popular include Catering, Child Care, and Janitorial Services.
GoodBIZ! Program Statistics

Business Feasibility Studies

Program State to Business Start (in days)

Average Starting Wage for Graduates (per hour)

New Business Starts

New Jobs Created

Wages Earned by Program Graduates Last Year
Goodwill Has a Training Program For You
To learn more about Goodwill’s training programs, view our career services program catalog.
View Program CatalogGet Started Today
Start your Goodwill journey and plan to attend an information session. You can also call 844-344-WORK or email to schedule an appointment with a Goodwill Navigator. Get a head start on the process and complete your application on Career Connector.