Chris Green, COO of Invictus Consulting explains how his company offers safety and stability. “Invictus Consulting is a physical security and risk management consulting firm that provides clients with answers to today’s rapidly changing environment,” Green says. “We come in and help companies take a look at their security and risk needs.”

Invictus partners with seasoned professionals with backgrounds in hostage negotiations, law enforcement, security systems, and access control. “We marry those mindsets together — both the physical and tactical side — and offer a holistic approach to clients when we come and look at their facilities,” Green says. The firm works with companies of all shapes and sizes. Smaller to medium size companies generally do not have a trained crisis professional on staff. According to Green these duties normally fall on an HR or operations employee, usually with little expertise in the area.

Invictus does a lot of work with schools, property management companies, and manufacturing firms. “We guide them in best practices so they know what they are doing to protect their people,” Green says. “We come in and give a high level of what to do when something happens. We get very comfortable, and what you have to realize, even in the best parts of town, if you dial 911 you are 2.5 to 5 minutes away from getting some sort of response. You are ultimately responsible for being able care for yourself for that amount of time.” Green adds that individuals should take a few minutes at their job to evaluate how they might get out of a dangerous situation, including possible escape routes. He encourages people to be aware of surroundings and to watch out for warning signs.

“It’s not rude to inquire how someone is doing to see if you can get them help,” he says. “Although our culture tells us not to intrude, sometimes it’s crucial when someone or something seems wrong. In addition to its work with company and individual clients, Invictus also offers training within the community. Green says this is the fun part of the job for the tactical professionals, as they enjoy giving back to the community.  Once a quarter, Invictus holds “CRASE” classes, or Citizen’s Response to Active Shooter Events training. For these training sessions there is no charge, and individuals are encouraged to learn and then teach people around them.

“If you need help, we are always there,” Green says. Invictus can be reached at 678-894-4408, online at, or at