Eager to gain new work skills and start a new career path, Angel Williams was referred by the Georgia Vocational Rehabilitation Agency (GVRA) to Goodwill’s Metropolitan Parkway Career Center for work adjustment training and job placement services. 

Prior to coming to Goodwill, Angel struggled to find and maintain steady employment due to her lack of experience, soft skills, and certain workplace challenges. She was stuck in a cycle of short-term jobs and extended periods of unemployment. 

To help her gain new employment skills and better prepare for the work force, Angel’s GVRA counselor and Goodwill staff enrolled her in Community Work Adjustment Training (CWAT), a structured training program designed to help individuals develop the necessary skills and behaviors for successful employment. From day one, Angel was committed to making the most of the opportunity. Throughout the program, she participated in various hands-on training sessions that helped her learn critical job skills, such as time management, teamwork, punctuality, and problem-solving. The program also focused on building Angel’s confidence in her abilities and helping her develop a strong work ethic.

As Angel neared the end of her program, she began working with a Goodwill employment specialist, Destiny Grissom, to ensure a successful job placement. Destiny identified potential job opportunities that matched Angel’s interests and strengths. Soon after completing the CWAT program, Angel was interviewed for an internship at the Centers for Disease Control through a partnership with Goodwill. Armed with her new skills and outlook, Angel entered the interview with confidence and walked out with a job offer as a full-time custodian making $17.20 an hour. 

Since starting her new job, Angel has continued to thrive. The skills she learned during the CWAT program have been instrumental in her success. Her employer praised her reliability, positive attitude, and ability to work well with her team. Angel now not only enjoys financial stability but also a sense of pride and accomplishment that she had never experienced before. 

Angel’s journey through the work adjustment program is a testament to the transformative power of dedication, support, and the right training. “I really enjoyed my time in training at Goodwill,” said Angel. “It gave me the right tools to gain employment and empowered me to excel in my new career!” Angel’s story is an inspiration to others facing similar challenges, and proves that, with the right resources and mindset, anyone can overcome obstacles and achieve their career goals.