Meet Freddie Smart

Freddie Smart was persistent during his employment journey. After being released from incarceration, he faced rejection from various job opportunities due to his criminal background. Struggling to save money and contribute to his household, Freddie spent months applying for different positions without success. However, after hearing about Goodwill’s career services, he decided to visit the Old National Career Center to see if the team there could help him secure a job. Little did he know, the Goodwill team would do more than just help him find a job—they would assist him in building a career.
Freddie attended an information session at Goodwill, where he learned about various skills training courses offered. He decided to enroll in the Supply Chain Management course because he believed that obtaining a skills certification would open up more employment opportunities for him. Since he qualified for SNAP (Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program) benefits, Freddie’s training tuition was covered by SNAP Employment & Training funds.
Throughout the training program, Freddie demonstrated strong leadership qualities and remained focused. He attended every class on time and completed all assignments, knowing that finishing the training could change his life. He stayed encouraged and eager to learn.
Freddie completed his supply chain course in December 2024. While he was proud of this accomplishment, he knew that the next step was finding employment. He worked with Goodwill Employment Specialist Tahirah Herring to revamp his résumé, prepare for interviews, and explore employers who were open to hiring individuals with backgrounds like his. He also attended every job fair and networked with the career center staff to expand his professional connections.
Staying positive and proactive during his job search, Freddie believed in himself and his abilities. His persistence paid off when he landed an interview with Front Row Parking in Atlanta, GA. He performed so well in the interview that he was immediately offered the job, pending a background check. Unfortunately, after his background was reviewed, the employer rescinded the offer. However, the manager at Front Row was so impressed by Freddie’s positive attitude and the support he received from the Old National Goodwill team that she created a job specifically for him! He was hired full-time as Bus Service Support, earning $18 an hour. Freddie credits Tahirah’s assistance with interview preparation for helping him feel confident in explaining the skills he had developed and showcasing how he could be an asset to the company.
Freddie loves his job and frequently visits the career center team, expressing his gratitude for their help and support.