Latina woman in blue shirt

In March 2021, Julia Ramirez came into the Cornelia Career Center seeking help with her job search. Since Julia does not speak English, Lead Career Coach Sandy DeAza, who is bilingual, stepped in to assist. Sandy educated Julia about the many resources available at Goodwill and the two discussed Julia’s personal and professional goals. In addition to finding employment, Julia also wanted to learn English.

Julia and Sandy created a plan and began taking the next steps. Sandy and the Cornelia team provided support as Julia learned to use the Career Center’s computers to facilitate the job application process. As she looked for jobs, Julia expressed interest in the possibility of working for the Goodwill store, so she completed the application.

By August, Julia stopped by the Career Center to let Sandy know that she had received an email from a Goodwill recruiter and that an interview with Sarah Thompson, the store manager, had been scheduled. Julia performed well in the interview and began working for the store later that month. She will soon celebrate one year at the Cornelia store, where she is doing a wonderful job and is a valuable member of the team.