Meet Steven Hardy

Steven Hardy is an incredible example of strength and courage.
After falling on hard times, he found himself unhoused, hungry and with nowhere to go. He took shelter outside the Goodwill® Old National career center, sleeping on the sidewalk after the center closed. The team was concerned, and employment specialist Tahirah Harding made efforts to talk with Steven and see how she could help. At first, Steven was reluctant. He was embarrassed about his hygiene and appearance, but Tahirah didn’t give up. She continued to encourage Steven to learn more about how Goodwill could help. Eventually, Steven found comfort with the Goodwill team and opened up about his struggles.
While being unhoused was Steven’s most urgent challenge, he also lacked transportation. Tahirah started with helping Steven create a résumé and talked with him about what kind of job he might be able to do. After that, Tahirah and her employment team members began to research potential employers that could meet all of Steven’s needs.
A few weeks later, Global Concessions was hosting a hiring event at the Old National career center. Tahirah met with a recruiter, shared Steven’s story and supported Steven as he prepared for his interview. Their collective hard work paid off, and Steven was hired as a full-time janitor making $14.50 per hour. His new job also included free MARTA cards and lunch with every shift. Goodwill provided Lyft credits so that Steven could easily get to and from his pre-employment screening and orientation, and the Old National retail store team provided clothing to ensure he felt confident as he embarked on his new job.
Steven has continued to do well at his job and his employer reports that he stands out with his willingness and desire to meet customer satisfaction.
Steven continues to express gratitude for all that Goodwill has done for him, and everyone who interacted with him admires his outstanding efforts and desires to live an independent and meaningful life. Stevens’s story is the epitome of success and hope. Goodwill is proud of Steven’s progress toward his own personal ABC journey: A first job, Better job, and Career.