Meet Robin Renae Harkins

Robin Renae Harkins came to Cornelia’s Goodwill Career Center in May 2021. Her aunt, a Goodwill program graduate, suggested that she might benefit from the agency’s programs. With funding provided by SNAP E&T, Robin enrolled in the Retail Customer Service program.
Robin Renae’s determination, reliability, and work ethic caught the eye of Cornelia Store Manager Sarah Thompson, who was interested in hiring Robin Renae as a full-time, permanent employee. On June 21, she began an internship in the shoes and miscellaneous stations. With the guidance of the Cornelia team, Robin Renae has become a processing force to be reckoned with.
Within a couple weeks, Robin Renae was processing shoes with minimal to no supervision. She maintains the speed of a seasoned processor, determining accurate pricing and quality independently. Robin Renae ended July with production averages in shoes of 107.31 percent, resulting in sales of $17,476, and 106.96 percent in miscellaneous, representing sales of $10,143.
Robin Renae has become an integral member of the Cornelia team and is considered a valuable asset by managers and associates. She has made incredible strides professionally and personally since beginning her Goodwill journey. When she began her training, Robin Renae shared, “I was not in a good mental state. I endured a lot of disappointment, trauma, and tragedy; and I’d lost all self-worth.” The support of the Goodwill team has greatly increased her confidence and she enthuses, “I can hold my head up now and look people in the eye. People depend on me to be here and get things done. I’m important enough to be needed.” She appreciates the praise of her speed and dependability, expressing “I can help people here – I’m a part of something. What I do matters.”
Robin Renae hopes to continue working for Goodwill and is consulting with Job Coach Kayla Pressley and other Career Services team members as she pursues her Certified Alcohol and Drug Counselor certification. She is also considering Goodwill’s welding and hospitality skills training programs.